Monitoring and Evaluation System, Its really heavy!!
When implementing a programme or project, you want to be the best!!! We are not talking about being number two, but being number one. You want your implementation to be running smoothly, you want your programme or project staff to be performing at full throttle.Yes, as a person responsible for Monitoring and Evaluation you want to see the best....You especially want to see results. Good results for that matter. You see every organization has to have at least a Monitoring and Evaluation system for their programmes or projects. Monitoring and Evaluation systems should provide for your internal and external reporting needs and should most of all provide for your information needs. Information researchers, is very, very important.When you want to make your Monitoring and Evaluation System operational, you will create a framework that highlights what indicators will be collected, who will collect such indicators and how often such indicators will be collected. lets just understand what an operationalized Monitoring and Evaluation is. Don't be shy, you can chip in whenever you feel like.Monitoring and Evaluation framework, really, really heavy!!!
Nobody can do Project Monitoring alone in isolation, that is like battling with an army of soldiers. However, you must realize that in every programme or project their must be systems in place for data collection, analysis & reporting and then the final usage. There is no two ways about it, to be the best you have to act the best....GOT IT!! What better way to do it than to have an operationalized Monitoring and Evaluation System by having a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Most frameworks have the following things in common namely 1) Outcomes and Indicators that will be monitored 2) People responsible for data collection and Analysis 3) How often the data will be collected from the field 4) What Monitoring and Evaluation tools will be used, how will it be collected and 5) Who will use the information collected?1. Outcome and Indicators; Easy and a piece of cake. The outcome and indicators are simply what you will be Monitoring throughout the implementation period. It is much easier when creating your Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to always refer to your logframes.
2. People responsible for data collection or analysis; Remember, Monitoring and Evaluation is never done in isolation. There will always be people in the organization who may collect or analyze data for you. Make sure you remember that.
3. How often should data be collected and analyzed; You can be collecting data practically every day if that was possible but the truth is, if you want to make Project Monitoring a real success you have to knwo how often you should actually Monitor. Others do it quarterly, semi-annually or annually depending on the availability of staff or resources.
4. Monitoring and Evaluation tools; Basically most widely used tools for data collection is the questionnaire. However, there are other tools used which will be discussed in depth as more articles are written, don't shy away.
5. Information use; Its very important to realize that Monitoring and Evaluation information is highly important, but the right kind of information. You must always determine and make sure who your stakeholders are. Who is interested in the reports you are producing?
Remember that the Monitoring and Evaluation System is very important in any programme or project. Further information around this topic will be produced as time goes by. Monitoring and Evaluation should be the in thing for any organization.
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